A plethora of digital services for the management of water consumption for the citizen and the Water Authority
Bilateral benefits for the citizen and the Water Authority through innovative features
Consumers have a detailed overview of their consumption information.
Consumers receive their bills immediately once issued with the option to store them digitally.
Consumers can pay through a cyber-secured and safe environment.
Consumers can take part in the measurement of their own consumption.
In order to completely manage the affairs of every civilian, the option for online submission and processing is provided by attaching the necessary documentation in digital form.
Consumers can report incidents regarding water supply issues.
In order for the consumers to be rapidly informed in matters such as the imminent cut-off of water supply, overdue debt, increased consumption, expiry of social invoice etc., the system can notify them via short information messages.
Billing errors are reduced while consumers are constantly aware of their consumption in real time and they receive notifications if any leaks take place.
For each connection, consumers can see the current balance of their account, as well as the metered water consumption in cubic meters for the last five counting periods.
Consumers receive their water bill by email immediately once issued. In addition, they have access to the account history, with a detailed view of the data of each account, with the option to electronically archiving (in pdf file) and printing.
Consumers can settle their bill through the cyber-secured environment of their bank, while using any type credit or debit card. This process is fast, easy and completely safe.
Consumers can take part in the measurement of their own consumption. They can enter the data of their indicator for a fixed period of water consumption and attach a photo where this data appears as a proof of measurement, to issue the bill of discharge.
In order to completely manage the affairs of every civilian, the option for online submission and processing is provided by attaching the necessary documentation in digital form, as well as the automatic update (via email) concerning the status of pending requests or applications.
Consumers can report incidents regarding water supply issues (Cut off of water supply, water leak, low pressure etc.)
In order for the consumers to be rapidly informed in matters such as the imminent cut off of water supply, overdue debt, increased consumption, expiry of social invoice etc., the system can send short information messages. These messages are sent to the citizens in the form of a notification from the system, but also via email.
By using smart water meters and connecting them to either billing or YDATA.eu the data management is simplified, allowing data to be downloaded directly from the consumers. Billing errors are reduced while consumers are constantly aware of their consumption in real time and they receive notiffications if any leaks take place.
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Thessaloniki – Greece
Tel: +2310 590 100
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Tel: +32 499393388
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